Success Stories
Our clients love to share their successes ... and so do we!

The International School of Basel was interested in a new approach to appraisal. We facilitated their design team's work to create a truly innovative approach — a self-directed, inquiry-oriented, and differentiated system that is designed to foster collective efficacy.

Having worked with Grant Wiggins for many years, we use the Understanding by Design approach to support curriculum development. We facilitate groups by empowering them to co-create meaningful approaches to teaching and learning.

When Saint Agnes Hospital began losing market share in their bariatric program, they called in the Tigris team to develop a new vision, rethink their work, and recapture their premiere status as Baltimore's premiere provider.

Growin'GEERS - When the edtech start-up Growin'GEERS was getting off the ground, they looked to us for expert business planning, marketing advice, and comprehensive design. Growin'GEERS was well prepared for the One Spark crowdfunding festival in Jacksonville, clinching the 2015 Jurors' Choice Award.

The San Antonio Integrated School District was facing many challenges. With our help, they chose to focus on building collective efficacy. With an expertly facilitated instructional rounds process, a cohort of 20 schools developed capacity that brought achievement and growth to every campus. We now bring our Opening Classroom Doors philosophy to schools and districts around the world.

Newsela was searching for ways to provide a rich body of resources to teachers implementing their tools in classrooms across the country. We analyzed the current landscape, explored on the ground teacher-needs, and designed high-quality curricular materials that were of immediate use to novice and veteran Newsela users alike.

The community in Upper Dublin wanted to bring together residents, families, parents, teachers, kids ... to discuss how to create a more supportive environment, particularly for those labeled as "different." We hosted community conversations that encouraged participant conversation that led to actionable items making a difference in the community.

The Healthy Card project was for a sexual and reproductive healthcare provider in New York City. We were charged with increasing engagement for underserved populations. In learning about the needs of these potential clients, we designed a system that lowered the hurdles to accessing preventative healthcare and packaging that mirrored the client journey.

When families take their kids out of school to travel around the world, they turn to Tigris to develop meaningful curriculum aligned to their travel itinerary. Learn more by visiting Small World Travel.

From a humble conference developed in 2009, Edcamp is now an international movement, a globally recognized brand, and a multimillion dollar foundation. Edcamp's success serves as an example of the power of our approach to design through learning.

When Drug and Device Register realized they were spending more time traveling to their clients than doing their work, it was time for a change. We facilitated the creation of the Fox Institute, building a curriculum designed to encourage clients to gather in one location for superior professional training.

When schools need to address school violence in a systemic way, they turn to the Tigris team. Featuring the work of Dr. Sarah Daly, our interactive sessions provide schools with the tools they need to create safe educational environments. Check our Events page for upcoming sessions.