Transforming Appraisal
Fri, Oct 05
|Austria Center Vienna
Transforming Teacher Appraisal into a Meaningful Professional Learning Process

Time & Location
Oct 05, 2018, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Austria Center Vienna , IAKW - AG Internationales Amtssitz- und Konferenzzentrum Wien, AG Bruno-Kreisky-Platz 1 A-1220 Vienna
About the event
The verdict is in: traditional approaches to evaluation and appraisal do not positively impact student achievement (Stecher, 2018). So, how do we find the balance between accountability and a system that empowers teachers to work collectively and lead their own professional growth? “When we look at collaborative cultures ... the systems that have strong degrees of collaboration ... have built in a growing and increasing sense of responsibility about what they’re doing and how they need to explain themselves—not just to themselves, but to the wider system” (Fullan, 2017). There is tremendous evidence that a collaborative culture has the power to make a very large impact on student achievement (Hattie, 2017). Using participatory leadership practices, school teams can develop a truly meaningful design for teacher appraisal. The result is a Professional Learning Process: differentiated experiences for teachers aligned to a common school wide evidence-based model. The participatory leadership approach is ideal for school leaders who truly want to grow their educators into empowered professionals. During the session we will follow a case study of one school’s transformative journey while learning practical tools and protocols to engage in appraisal design that results in more purposeful and responsive instruction for students.
Stecher, B. et. al, (2018). Improving teaching effectiveness: Final report: The Intensive Partnerships for Effective Teaching Through 2015–2016. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation.
Fullan, M. (Summer 2017). Making progress possible: A conversation with Michael Fullan. Educational Leadership. (74) 8-14
Hattie, J., & Zierer, K. (2017). Ten mindframes for visible learning: Teaching for success. NY: Routledge.